Farm Accidents & Injuries

Injured on the Job at a Farm?

Farms pose some of the greatest threats to the safety of workers and drivers in Augusta and surrounding areas. Those engaged in farming must follow the rules of the road and exercise care for the public’s safety. They should provide a safe working environment for their workers.

As the son of a county extension agent, David Dekle has been around farming all of his life. As a trial lawyer, he has handled cases involving injuries and death related to farm operations. David Dekle will get the compensation you deserve for milking parlor injuries, dairy injuries, tractor injuries, and automobile livestock accidents.

Motorists are put at risk when cattle or livestock are not secured properly. For this reason, farmers must be particularly careful in maintaining fences and transporting livestock. If you have suffered  injuries caused by a negligent livestock owner, let David Dekle assist you.

Farm operators in Georgia are not required to carry workman’s compensation insurance. When they do not, they can be liable for injury to their employees when they are negligent, and may be sued for personal injury.

Heavy machinery accidents, such as combines and tractors, can end a person’s livelihood and leave one permanently injured. These accidents may also result in an unexpected death, which can leave a family without financial support and provision.


Call David Dekle Today!

If you or a loved one has been injured on the job working on a farm, David Dekle is ready to assist you in recovering for your injuries. This includes, but not limited to, your medical bills, lost wages, permanent disability and impairment, and pain and suffering.

The Law Office of David Dekle wants to level the playing field for your damage claims in Columbia County. For more information, or to discuss your circumstances in a free – no obligation – consultation with a lawyer, contact us online or by calling 706-922-7460. We serve clients in Augusta, the CSRA, and throughout Georgia