Fighting For Your Rights
David Dekle is the civil rights attorney in Augusta, Georgia that you need if you have suffered discrimination or negligence. The Constitution endows every citizen with certain inalienable rights. Therefore, if your rights are violated, a cause of action may exist for actual damages, nominal damages, and more. In this case, you need an experienced civil rights attorney to fight for you.
Some Civil Rights cases include employment discrimination cases under Title VII, excessive force cases, and cases involving the deprivation of medical care for serious medical needs. If a loved one is a detainee in jail or incarcerated in prison, the Constitution still protects them. Therefore, they still have certain rights that should be respected.
Regarding medical care, one must prove that a state actor was deliberately indifferent to a serious medical need. This is a higher standard than negligence or even gross negligence. There may be recourse under state and/or federal law if you’ve been injured by someone working in a governmental capacity.
Your rights matter and Attorney David Dekle is ready to take on your case. If someone discriminated against you on the basis of your race, sex, age, etc., call us today. Your civil rights attorney will work to get you justice. If you would like more information, or to discuss your circumstances in a free consultation, contact us online or by calling 706-922-7460. We serve clients in Augusta, the Central Savannah River Area (CRSA), and through Georgia.

Contact Us
3604 Wheeler Road, Ste. F
Augusta, Ga. 30909
Phone: 706.922.7460
Fax: 706.243.4656