Are you a victim of a defective product?
No one should have to suffer because of a dangerous, defective product. As technology advances, we continue to put our trust in the hands of products made in the U.S. and overseas. Manufacturers are responsible for the products they produce with defects that cause harm.
Whether it is an aerosol can, coffee pot, or tire, the manufacturer has a duty to ensure that it functions safely and consistently. The manufacturer has a duty to use materials that are safe and appropriate. It has a duty to meet a certain level of standards and to control the quality of its products. It must provide adequate warnings and use state-of-the-art designs.
Whether it’s a wrongful death, a house fire, amputation, or other injury, it’s important you determine your rights to compensation. A local attorney is a must because he knows the local court system and judges and understands the communities and juries who will sit in judgment of a manufacturer. Subsequently, time is also of the essence because evidence must be gathered, preserved, and tested.
A product liability case may exist if a design or manufacture defect is found that caused injury or death. Failure to warn of a particular danger can be a defect for which a company can be liable. David Dekle has handled product liability cases for manufacturers as a defense attorney. He is ready to put his knowledge to work for accident victims hurt by the products that they trusted to be safe.
Call us today for a free consultation
The Law Office of David Dekle is ready to evaluate your product liability case. For more information, or to discuss your circumstances in a free – no obligation – consultation with a lawyer, contact us online or by calling 706-922-7460. We serve clients in Augusta, the Central Savannah River Area (CRSA), and throughout Georgia.

Contact Us
3604 Wheeler Road, Ste. F
Augusta, Ga. 30909
Phone: 706.922.7460
Fax: 706.243.4656