Are you a victim of Medical Malpractice?

A medical malpractice lawsuit is arguably one of the toughest of personal injury law in terms of establishing liability and resolving claims prior to suit. Your attorney must prove your injury is a result of a deviation in the standard of care. This requires an extensive knowledge of both medicine and the law. If you’re searching for someone who can effectively represent you, call the Law Office of David Dekle. With a background in insurance defense, he knows the ins and outs of medical lawsuits.
The question in every potential malpractice case is whether the physician deviated from the expected standard of care. However, not every bad medical outcome is the result of a deviation in the standard of care.
However, physicians are human, and they can make mistakes. If you or a loved one suffered injury due to a physician’s negligence, it’s important to explore your legal options. Medical malpractice lawsuits do not arise merely from a bad outcome. They arise when the practicing physician could have avoided the bad outcome. Every medical malpractice lawsuit requires that an expert affidavit event is filed in court. Thus, a claim by politicians that most medical malpractice lawsuits are frivolous is disingenuous.
When it comes to medical malpractice litigation, experience is critical.
If you believe that you or a family member has been injured by a member of the medical field, let the law office of David Dekle evaluate your case. David Dekle is a former insurance attorney with extensive experience in the medical realm. David Dekle will zealously fight for fair compensation for you and your loved one.
The Law Office of David Dekle can advise you of your legal rights when you suspect that you have been the victim of medical malpractice. For more information, or to discuss your circumstances in a free – no obligation – consultation with a lawyer, contact us online or call 706-922-7460. We serve clients throughout east-central Georgia and the Central Savannah River Area (CRSA).

Contact Us
3604 Wheeler Road, Ste. F
Augusta, Ga. 30909
Phone: 706.922.7460
Fax: 706.243.4656