Call Attorney David Dekle if You Suffered Injury as a Pedestrian
Personal Injury Attorney David Dekle will fight for your rights if you suffered a personal injury as a pedestrian. Motorists must constantly exercise caution to avoid injuring walkers and runners. However, every day in Georgia, a negligent motorist will injure someone walking on the sidewalk or side of the road.
Pedestrians are especially vulnerable, and a collision can result in exorbitant medical expense, permanent impairment, and catastrophic long term rehabilitation costs. An experienced attorney who understands your legal rights can insure that you receive fair and complete compensation for your injuries. Catastrophic injuries that can result from pedestrian-automobile accidents include fractures, neck and back injuries, traumatic brain injuries and paralysis.
David Dekle’s experience over two decades handling personal injury cases as a former insurance defense lawyer, gives him the perfect background for assisting you in your time of need. Call the Law Office of David Dekle for a free consultation if a negligent driver hit you while walking.
Call us: 706-922-7460

Contact Us
3604 Wheeler Road, Ste. F
Augusta, Ga. 30909
Phone: 706.922.7460
Fax: 706.243.4656